Eclectic Athlete Radio
Eclectic Athlete Radio
Don’t Call it a Comeback: The Birthday Episode | You’re breathing wrong! The Big Mac Challenge | Are we wrong about eating meat? Is it okay to eat at night?
Where in the world have I been the last few months!? Let me tell you..
In this episode I recap what I’ve been up to the last few months, life changes, grad school, and what I’m currently working on moving forward.
I also dive into a few different topics that I’ve been looking into and will continue to expand upon.
A brief overview of nose and mouth physiology, and why you should breathe through your nose, and less-so through your mouth.
I talk about #moremeatmondays and why meat is wrongly vilified, as well as the recent guideline recommendations concerning meat from the Annals of Internal Medicine, which stated that “the panel suggests that adults continue current unprocessed red meat consumption (weak recommendation, low-certainty evidence). Similarly, the panel suggests adults continue current processed meat consumption (weak recommendation, low-certainty evidence.”
Why there’s more to consider surrounding whether or not to eat at night? The effects of time or circadian rhythms on digestions and how it can affect our sleep and our health, and much more!
(Satchin Panda talk below)
Revised guidelines for Meat Consumption
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